Modem Comm Control Interface
PCALE Radio Support CAT Control Interface. Ghost 11.5 Boot Cd Iso'>Ghost 11.5 Boot Cd Iso. Establishment HF ALE HF Network Ham Radio Amateur Radio HF Emergency. Disaster Relief Communications. PCALE Radio Control The. HF SSB transceivers and receivers herein. However additional makemodel radios are always being added. How to run your first Marathon Mentorship U. S. Department of Defense Abbreviations Acronyms. Should your makemodel radio not be listed, please contact N2. CKH by posting on the PCALE Beta Test Group Forum with the. When. the Custom Radio Port Setup interface is not used to select RS 2. When the baud. rate is selected as 0, highest supported baud rate will be used, an exception. KENWOOD and KENWOODHS which are set to 4. At present only ICOM Amateur Radio grade radios. Syntax vendor vendorname device devicename single tab interface interfacename. Windows Serial Communications component library. Developer tools for serial port communications Supports RS232, multidrop RS422 and RS485 ports, virtual serial ports. MIMIC S N M P A g e n t S i m u l a t o r Quick Start Guide Version 17. Gambit Communications 76 Northeastern Blvd, Suite 29A Nashua, NH 03062. The Hayes command set is a specific command language originally developed by Dennis Hayes for the Hayes Smartmodem 300 baud modem in 1981. The command set consists of. CCSv5pt3_5F00_XDS200.jpg' alt='Modem Comm Control Interface' title='Modem Comm Control Interface' />Radio Address via this interface. Should. ALE Channel Scan Rate support. It. is always best to have your radio powered and attached to the proper serial. STATUS. A color coded comment as to the status for each radio is provided as. PENDING Demand for support and or development. WIP. Work about to start or. ALE. EXE for selection it may not yet be completely. ALPHA Coding completed, however test. RELEASED Coding. NOTE Along with the STATUS, QSS shall be used to denote Quiet. ScanningSounding, where the radio is placed into Split Mode operation so. NOT to energize the radios transmit Band Pass Filter BPF relays during. Scanning and Sounding but rather. QSS. denotes a radio that should or is known to work with QSS. QSS. denotes a radio that may not or is known NOT. QSS. No QSS indication means that the radio. QSS as far was we. To learn more about Quiet. ScanningSounding see the QSS section within main RHUG. Also, please. provide feedback on makemodel radios that are found not to work with QSS or. SPLIT MODE test detailed in the QSS section will work if added to QSS. NOTE Along with the STATUS, CAT PTT shall denote NO CAT PTT support by the given radio. CAT PTT. will denote CAT PTT is fully supported. CUSTOM PORT. PARAMETERS CPP CPP. CCP settings are changed. CPP. settings, if the parameters selected do not apply, they would need to be. The CPP serial port settings are only enabled when the. To. access port settings from the MIL STD 1. Radio. Port button next to the Radio Type selection. At. present Radio Address supports only the selection of GENERIC ICOM for the radio. All other radio type selection support only the default factory radio. If. a particular radio model supports CPP selection, then an appropriate Baud Rate. Stop Bits, Data Bits and Parity can be entered. The. use of CPP is a must for any Kenwood radio that supports greater than 4. Kenwood models in PC ALE, the starting default is 4. Kenwood models. It. Typically. all baud rates support 1 chsec, 4. TO DO of 1. 0 chsec mentioned in MIL STD 1. B. Some radios due to their CPU ability to process serial port data may not meet a. Scan Rate regardless of the RS 2. Any. data may be entered into the setup note section up to 3. CCP settings apply to and perhaps why they are being used in. NOTE A. Null Modem cable is also known as a Serial Cross Over Cable or a Serial Laplink. Cable. Wiring is as follows. Radio end pin 2. connected to PC end pin 3. Radio end pin 3 connected to PC end pin 2. Radio end pin 5 connected to PC system ground pin 5 for a 9 pin plug, or pin 7. NOTE Kenwood radios. ID which is read at program start, thus you MUST have your Kenwood radio powered and attached to the proper. NOTE For radios. ID and other data and have time outs based on. Ten Tec Pegasus for one, MUST be attached at. However for most makemodels you can attach and power the radio after program. RADIO MODELSTATUSCOMMENTSDX7. TALPHAQSS CAT PTTAlso. DX 7. 7, DX 7. 7EQ, DX 7. DX 7. 07. Requires Alinco ERW 4 or. Radio does not support CAT PTT. FT4. 50. WIPQSS CAT. Direct. RS 2. 32 without need of external level converter. The CAT timeout should be. This model supports optional use of RTSCTS, use FT4. HS. selection. FT4. HSWIPQSS CAT. as FT4. CTSRTS operation. FT6. 00. RELEASED QSSCAT. PTTa. k. a. Vertex System 6. FT6. 50. RELEASEDQSSCAT. FT 6. 55. This unit is supported for its 2. Mhz coverage. An external level. Serial Data. Out from the PC and shield is ground is required from the external level. The ring should only be connected if the Rx. D line will be monitor. Squelch status for scanning applications which PC ALE does not support. This radio does NOT use any BPF relays. FT7. 57. GXRELEASEDCAT PTT QSSRadio does not support CAT. PTTFT7. 67. ALPHACAT PTT QSSRadio does not support CAT. PTTFT8. 17. RELEASED QSSCAT PTTCPP 3. N2. Also. used for FT 8. ND, FT 8. 57, FT 8. FT8. 17. DIGRELEASED QSSCAT PTTCPP 3. N2. As FT1. 87 but supports DIG. FT8. 47. RELEASED QSSCAT PTTCPP 5. N2. NOTE Requires the use of Null Modem cable. See the Yaesu. section regarding interfacing to the radio otherwise. NOTE. Radio must be turned on before software is started else the radio will not. FT8. 90. RELEASED QSSCAT. FT 1. 00, FT 7. FT 8. C, FT 8. FT 8. 90, FT 9. SB 1. 40. 0. NOTE FT 8. QSS hardware. modification is available. FT9. 20. RELEASED QSSCAT. PTT is not listed in the manual, however it works as for other Yaesu radio in. CAT PTT. The FT 9. RS 2. 32 cable. FT9. DATARELEASED QSSCAT. FT9. 20 above as well. DATA port support for the FT9. Thus DATA LSB and. DATA USB modes are needed for use with the DATA port. If you use an FT 9. DATA port for your interface point of control, the. FT9. 20. DATA otherwise select. FT9. 20. The only modes available with the data port are LSB and. USB, which for ALE operation is all we need. However, be sure to set the AFSK FSK. AFSK. However, be sure to set the AFSK FSK switch to. AFSK and setup the radio for the 2. U 4. 5 setup. menu as the software will subtract 2. DATA port setup has NO provision. Also, the operator will need to manually switch. DATA to Voice in multimode operation, it recommended that the B VFO be. The software is ALWAYS using. A VFO. The operator will need to switch back to VFO A unless the UpDown. Channel or Scan is used. The mic jack is not active. Also, the operator will need to manually switch from. DATA to Voice in multimode operation and use Channel UPDown or Scan to go. ALE data. The RX audio out on this port is a constant level 1. V. rms 6. 00ohm audio output line as is the AF Jack which is not affected by. AF GAIN control. This output should be taken. Line In. However, if the gain and range of adjustment is. Mic in may be tried. FT9. 80. ALPHACAT PTTQSSRadio does not support CAT. Update List Item Workflow Sharepoint Designer 2013. PTTFT9. 90QSSRELEASED QSSCAT. PTTThis selection is specific to the FT 9. QSS operation. NOTE. ROM version 1. 2 or later. FT1. 00. 0MPRELEASED QSSCAT. PTTUse for all FT 1. NOTE FT 1. 00. 0D requires ROM version 6. FT2. 00. 0ALPHAQSS CAT. PTTCPP 3. 84. N2. Also for FT 2. D. FT2. 00. 0HSALPHAQSS CAT. N2. This selection uses the. CTSRTS handshaking. Also for FT 2. 00. D. FTdx. 90. 00. ALPHA QSSCAT PTTCPP. N2. Use. setup menu 7. SSB TX BPF for either 3. BW. Use setup menu 6. SSB mic audio port, this is a poor design if. Rig. Blaster type. NOTE FTDX 9. 00. CAT support currently suffers a known bug. GENERIC ICOMRELEASEDDoes. IC 7. 35 or IC 7. Implements only basic radio features. PTT if radio supports such, user must enter proper RS 2. ICOM. radio Hex address being used. IC7. 8RELEASEDCAT PTT QSSCPP 1. N1. Radio does not support CAT. PTTIC7. 03. RELEASED QSSCPP. N1. IC7. 06. RELEASEDCAT PTT QSSCPP 1. N1. Radio does not support CAT. PTTIC7. 06. Mk. IIRELEASEDCAT PTT QSSCPP 1. N1. Radio does not support CAT. U. S. Department of Defense Abbreviations Acronyms. Abbreviations Acronyms use the Ctrl F keyboard Shortcut to find exactly what youre looking for on this page2. M Micro Minature Repair. M Material Maintenance Management. A2. RF Acustic to 2 Radio Freq. A3. C4. I Aegis Ashore Assured C4. IAA Advanced Alteration Number. AA Aegis Ashore. AADC Anti Air Defense Coordinator. AADCC Area Air Defense Commander Capability. AADS Amphibious Assault Direction System. AALPS Automated Air Load Planning System. AAN Advanced Alteration Number. AAP Amphibious Assault Planner. AARC Asymmetric ADW Resynchronization Controller. AATC Amphibious Air Traffic Control. AATC Amphibious Assault Traffic Control. AAW Anti Aircraft Warfare. AAWC Anti Aircraft Warfare Commander. ABL Armored Box Launcher. ABM Agile Beam Management. ABMD AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense. ACAT Acquisition Category. ACC Area Control Center. ACCES Advanced Cryptologic Carry on Exploitation System. ACDS Advanced Combat Direction System. ACE Air Combat Element. ACGU Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, USA four eyesACINT ACoustic INTelligence. ACL Access Control List. ACL Allowance Component List. ACLS Automatic Carrier Landing System. ACMS Automated COMSEC Material System. ACMS Automated Communications Management System. ACO Airspace Control Order. ACOMMS Acoustic Communications. ACR Air Control Revision. ACR Allowance Change Request. ACS Afloat Core Services. ACTD Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration. ACTS AEGIS Combat Training System. ACTS Air Combat Training System. ACU Antenna Control Unit. ACWA Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives. ACWT Average Customer Wait Time. ADA Air Defense Artillery. ADAP Advanced Digital Antenna Production. ADAS Advanced Digital Acquisition System. ADC Air Defense Coordinator. ADE Above Deck Equipment. ADEX Air Defense EXercise. ADM Acquisition Decision Memorandum. ADMACS Aviation Data Management Control System. ADMS Automated Digital Multiplexer System. ADNS Advanced Digital Network System. ADOCS Automated Deep Operations Coordination Sys. ADP Automated Data Processing. ADRG ARC Digitized Raster Graphic. ADS AEGIS Display System. ADS Advanced Display System. ADS Air Deconfliction System. ADS Advanced Deployable System. ADSI Air Defense Systems Integrator. ADT Automatic Detection and Tracking. ADTS ANDVT Digital Transfer System. ADTU ANDVT Data Transfer Unit. ADW Advanced Digital Waveform. AE Assault Echelon. AEB Active Electronic Buoy. AECU Antenna Environmental Control Unit. AEHF Advanced EHFAEL Allowance Equipage List. AEMS Advanced Enclosed Mast System. AER Alternation Equivalent to a Repair. AES Airwing Embarkable Suite. AESOP Advanced End to End Simulation for Onboard Processing. AESOP Afloat Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Program. AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System. AFB Air Force Base. AFCAA Air Force Cost Analysis Agency. AFCS A Adaptive Fire Control System Afloat. AFOS Automation of Field Operations and Services. AFRTS Armed Forces Radio Television Service. AFWA Air Force Weather Agency. AHFIP Aviation High Frequency Internet Protocal. AI Application Integration. AIAS Aircraft Inertial Alignment System. AIC Air Intercept Control. AICS Automated Integrated Communications System. AIEWS Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System. AIG Address Indicator Group. AIM Advanced INFOSEC Module. AIM Air Intercept Missile. AIMD Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Departments. AIO Application Integration Overview. AIPS Alternation Installation Planning System. AIRES Advanced Imagery Requirements Exploitation Sys. AIS Acoustic Intercept Screener. AIS Automated Information System. AIS Automatic Identification System. AISIT Afloat Intelligence Systems Integration Team. AIT Alteration Installation Team. AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape. AJ Anti Jam. AKDC Automatic Key Distribution Center. AKP Advanced Key Processor. ALA Asynchronous Line Adapter. ALCOM ALlied COMmand. ALE Automated Link Establishment. ALFS Airborne Low Frequency Sonar. ALIS Aegis Lan Interconnection System. ALSD Advanced Large Screen Display. AM Amplitude Modulation. AMF Airborne Maritime Fixed station. AMC Ameri. Com Satellite. AMCOM Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command. AMEGS Aircraft Maintenance Event Ground Station. AMHS Automated Message Handling System. AMIIP Accelerated Mid Term Interop Improvement Pgm. AMO Acquiaition Mgt Office. AMOD Aegis MODernization. AMP Ait Management Program. AMP Advanced Message Protocol. AMPS Afloat Master Planning System. AMSRR Aviation Mgt Supply Readiness Reporting. AMW AMphibious Warfare. ANAV Accurate NAVigation. ANCC Automated Network Control Center. Iis7 Isapi And Cgi Restrictions Installation. ANCCATC Automated Network Control CenterAutomated tech cen. ANDVT Advanced Narrow band Digital Voice Terminal. ANFo. S Afloat Networks Family of Systems. ANSI American National Standards Institute. Ao. A Analysis of Alternatives. AOC Air Operations Center. AODA AirOcean data Assimilation. AOP AirOcean Prediction. AOR Area Of Responsibility. AOR Area of Operational Readiness. AOR E Atlantic Ocean Region East. AOR W Atlantic Ocean Region West. AOSM AirOcean Shipboard Measurement. AOU Area Of Uncertainty. APB Acquisition Program Baseline. APG Antenna Pedestal Group. API Application Programming Interface. APL Allowance Parts List. APM Assistant Program Manager. APM L Assistant Program Manager Logistics.