Webex Recorder Windows 7 64 Bit

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Cisco Bring Your Own Device BYOD CVD ImportantThe most current release of this document is available at http www. EnterpriseBorderlessNetworksUnifiedAccessBYODDesignGuide. Webex Recorder Windows 7 64 Bit' title='Webex Recorder Windows 7 64 Bit' />Webex Recorder  Windows 7 64 BitSolution Overview. Bring Your Own Device BYOD has become one of the most influential trends that has or will touch each and every IT organization. The term has come to define a megatrend occurring in IT that requires sweeping changes to the way devices are used in the workplace. What is BYOD Does it mean employees pay for their own devices they use for work Possibly, but the BYOD trend means much more. Webopedias list of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it easy to look through thousands of extensions and file formats to find what you need. It is about end users being able to use the compute and communication devices they choose to increase productivity and mobility. These can be devices purchased by the employer, purchased by the employee, or both. BYOD means any device, with any ownership, used anywhere. This document discusses how this trend will affect businesses, explores the challenges it creates for IT, and outlines the Cisco. Cisco offers a comprehensive architecture to address these challenges, allowing end users the freedom to bring their choice of device to work while still affording IT the controls to ensure security and prevent data loss. Ciscos BYOD Smart Solution 1. This document also forms the foundation for Ciscos BYOD Smart Solution 1. The BYOD Smart Solution is a comprehensive approach to BYOD that includes validated design guidance, professional services and support, an integrated roadmap, and a modular approach that follows the use cases outlined in this validated design. For more information, see http www. The WebEx Player is developed to play back any recording that was made using WebEx Recorderthat is, a WebEx Recording Format. With WebEx. Business Drivers. To understand the challenges BYOD poses, it is helpful to understand the business trends that are driving BYOD adoption. Consumer Devices. Previously, employers provided desktop and laptop computers that were typically the most advanced tools to which an employee had access. With the explosion in consumer devices, including laptops, netbooks, tablets, smartphones, e readers, and others, employees typically have some of the most advanced productivity tools being used in their personal lives. Employees quickly asked their IT organizations Why cant I use these tremendous productivity tools at workMany IT organizations initially rejected the idea, citing security reasons and the inability to scale to approve and support more than a small handful of devices. Figure 1PC and Non PC Sales, 2. MillionsSource Deloitte, 2. In the last year, the persistence of end users demanding to leverage their tablet computers and smartphones to extend their productivity, even if they had to purchase the devices themselves, has led many IT departments to adopt less restrictive policies, allowing employees basic connectivity or, increasingly, full access to the IT network and corporate applications. This trend is likely irreversible and every IT organization will need to quickly adapt to the consumer device phenomenon. It should also be noted that in some industries and vertical segments, IT departments will only allow corporate issued devices on their networks, such as classified government networks, financial trading floors, etc. Nevertheless, every business needs a BYOD strategy, even if the intention is to deny all devices except IT approved and managed devices. Multiple Needs and Multiple Devices. Many people had a desktop PC or laptop and added a mobile phone for voice calls. Mobile phones have largely been replaced with smartphones that can run applications and include Internet access and a camera. Many smartphones and tablets are as powerful and capable as laptops and PCs, enabling a new class of uses and applications. In the future a single device may be used for computing, communications, and applications. However today most believe there will continue to be different devices best suited to particular uses. Prince Of Persia Dos Game For Windows Xp there. For example, a laptop is not as portable as a smartphone, so people are likely to carry their smartphone for mobile communications. Tablets are powerful devices as well, but it is likely laptops and PCs will still be used for document creation and publishing. This means people will more likely carry and use multiple devices and less likely that a single, all purpose device will emerge. Figure 2 shows how various devices are suited to different tasks. Figure 2Variety of Devices. The impact of this trend is that many more devices will be connected to the network by the same employee or person, often simultaneously, and likely lead to a large increase in overall connected devices. Work and Personal Overlap. Increasingly, work is an activity that people do, not a place to which they go. Extended connectivity through mobile and remote access to the corporate network gives employees tremendous flexibility and increased productivity. It also leads to a blurring of the line between work time and personal time, with employees trading set work schedules for the flexibility of working when and where they want to, often interweaving work and personal tasks. A side effect of this flexibility is that users probably do not want to carry and switch between personal and work devices. Most employees want to be able to use a single smartphone, tablet, or laptop for both work and personal tasks and not also carry around corporate devices. Many employees are willing to use their personal tablet or smartphone, for example, to access work applications. Many employers are considering or have implemented subsidy programs, whereby an employee is provided with money for devices, but it is up to the employee to purchase the devices they want. The effect of this time and device overlap is that corporate and personal data will be increasingly co mingled on devices, leading to security and privacy challenges. Anywhere, Anytime Mobility. It is estimated that mobile devices and the traffic they create on networks will increase by 1. X between 2. 01. 1 and 2. Internet access and access to applications wherever and whenever they want. Mobile data traffic will grow at a compound annual growth rate CAGR of 7. Enabling this is an explosive build out of Wi. Fi networks by employers, 3. G and 4. G networks by mobile providers, as well as public Wi. Fi by retailers, municipalities, etc. Figure 3Worldwide Mobile Data Forecast 2. Source Cisco Visual Networking Index, 2. The more employees can easily access work using Wi. Fi and mobile networks, the more widespread these networks will become, thereby further enabling access. The Cisco Visual Networking Index estimates that by the end of 2. The end result is pervasive connectivity anywhere and anytime, which means corporate networks will have more devices connected more frequently, leading to an even broader need for the 2. Challenges for IT Organizations. Adopting BYOD comes with a set of challenges for the IT organization. Many of the benefits of BYOD, such as having the choice of any device and anywhere, anytime access, are somewhat antithetical to traditional IT requirements for security and support. Providing Device Choice and Support. Traditionally, IT pre determined a list of approved workplace devices, typically a standardized desktop, laptop, and perhaps even a small, standardized set of mobile phones and smartphones. Employees could choose among these devices, but generally were not permitted to stray from the approved devices list. With BYOD, IT must approach the problem differently. Devices are evolving so rapidly that it is impractical to pre approve each and every device brand and form factor.